Friday, December 28, 2007

The Blog of Imanginary Being

I don't have much time for a post so I'll make a note of a curiosity I encountered a few days ago.

While performing a search on "The Daily Dish," the blog of the gay, libertarian journalist Andrew Sullivan, I saw that he placed Mark Driscoll within the mainstream Religious Right. This was an old post, indited about a week before the 2006 elections, and Sullivan warned against the dangers of allowing the Religious Right (referred to, somewhat oddly, as "Christianists" on his blog) to have more power. My beef with his post is that he should choose to single out Mark Driscoll, who, while a Calvinist, appears to be more or less apolitical, writing against theonomy and being particularly critical of the Christian Reconstructionism of John Rushdoony. Driscoll, on the contrary, fits generally within the megachurch movement, closer to men like David Hybels and Rick Warren (whom Sullivan appears to admire) than James Robison and Jerry Falwell. What I am curious about is if Sullivan, as a journalist, bothers to research the areas of his prejudice or if he is a journalist in the same way that I am. In other words, a quote-shopper who doesn't particularly care about objective reality.

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